When you make an investment in equipment or services for your business, you expect to receive a substantial return on your investment. You can expect the same from your membership investment with the Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce.
Gain visibility, credibility and exclusivity with your membership. Connect with other business leaders at events throughout the year, countless involvement opportunities and a number of free educational forums. When you join, relocate or celebrate an anniversary, we can help mark the occasion with a ribbon cutting.
The Jackson Chamber of Commerce was organized and incorporated in 1947. The original mission statement of the organization said, “The Jackson Chamber of Commerce is organized to promote the development or betterment of the business and civic community of Jackson, Alabama, and for the purpose of advancing the commercial, industrial, civic and general interests of the City of Jackson and its trade area, without pecuniary profit to the individual members.” In 2000, the membership agreed to change the mission statement to “We, the Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce, exist to promote, support and create business and programs that improve our quality of life. The name was changed to include Jackson and its trade area. Since 2000, the Chamber has continued to grow and evolve. Today, our Chamber serves almost 150 members, has a twelve-member board of directors, and a new vision for the future.
The Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce has a progressive outlook that embraces modernization but also respects history and tradition. The Chamber is here to serve our businesses, our community and our citizens.
Our vision for the future is continued growth for our community, a network of businesses, community, civic and government leaders who work together with the goals of creating the best quality of life for our citizens and focus on economic growth and development for a bright future for our entire community.
The City of Jackson is located on the banks of the Tombigbee River, making us a great location for industry. READ MORE